With special permission from the client, I’m posting this short audio track. This is from a resent investigation pre-interview. The client is describing the feeling of what he described as an attempted possession. He also stated that this happened several times and only ended after this event. This was also witnessed by his wife as you will hear in the recording. While I have listened to reports of all sorts of attacks and sightings, this is the first of an earth bound spirit attempting a possession. After the investigation and clearing there has been no reported activity in the home. Thanks to Cheryl and Tamara from the SPIRIT Academy for coming along on the investigation.
S*P*I*R*I*T takes a multi-faceted approach to investigating a reported haunting. We do this by using both scientific methods and equipment to record activity and also intuitives to receive impressions to better understand the cause of the haunting. This way we can solve the cause of the haunting and help the spirits or energies move on. We guide the family giving them information and strategies to protect themselves, put their minds at ease and to clear the home of negative energies. The goal is to resolve the activity and put the family in charge of their home again. Most paranormal activity is not malevolent. It is merely misunderstood energy and/or entities. We are all intuitive to some degree and can learn to focus on the positive aspects of life rather than attracting negative energy by focusing on what we don't want. Focus on what you do want. Thoughts are things. Use your thoughts for good.
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